Retrofitting structural graph embeddings with node attribute information

Graph Embedding RetroFitting pipeline


Representation learning for graphs has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this paper, we define and study a new problem of learning attributed graph embeddings. Our setting considers how to update existing node representations from structural graph embedding methods when some additional node attributes are given. To this end, we propose Graph Embedding RetroFitting (GERF), a method that delivers a compound node embedding that follows both the graph structure and attribute space similarity. Unlike other attributed graph embedding methods, GERF is a novel representation learning method that does not require recalculation of the embedding from scratch but rather uses existing ones and retrofits the embedding according to neighborhoods defined by the graph structure and the node attributes space. Moreover, our approach keeps the same embedding space all the time and allows comparing the positions of embedding vectors and quantifying the impact of attributes on the representation update. Our GERF method updates embedding vectors by optimizing the invariance loss, graph neighbor loss, and attribute the neighbor loss to obtain high-quality embeddings. Experiments on WikiCS, Amazon-CS, Amazon-Photo, and Coauthor-CS datasets demonstrate that our proposed algorithm receives similar results compared to other state-of-the-art attributed graph embedding models despite working in retrofitting manner.

International Conference on Computational Science 2022
Piotr Bielak
Piotr Bielak
AI Frameworks Engineer @ Intel | Assistant Professor @ PWr

My research interests include graph machine learning and unsupervised learning methods.