A deeper look at Graph Embedding RetroFitting

Graph Embedding RetroFitting pipeline


Representation learning for graphs has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In particular, this work is focused on a new problem in this realm which is learning attributed graph embeddings. The setting considers how to update existing node representations from structural graph embedding methods when some additional node attributes are given. Recently, Graph Embedding RetroFitting (GERF) was proposed to this end – a method that delivers a compound node embedding that follows both the graph structure and attribute space similarity. It uses existing structural node embeddings and retrofits them according to the neighborhood defined by the node attributes space (by optimizing the invariance loss and the attribute neighbor loss). In order to refine GERF method, we aim to include the simplification of the objective function and provide an algorithm for automatic hyperparameter estimation, whereas the experimental scenario is extended by a more robust hyperparameter search for all considered methods and a link prediction problem for evaluation of node embeddings.

Journal of Computational Science
Piotr Bielak
Piotr Bielak
AI Frameworks Engineer @ Intel | Assistant Professor @ PWr

My research interests include graph machine learning and unsupervised learning methods.